SHIO-KOJI workshop

SHIO-KOJI workshop

6PM - 8PM

This is a great introductory workshop to get to know KOJI. In this workshop, we will introduce you most versatile koji-based condiment; SHIO- KOJI

Broadmead Village Shopping Centre
777 Royal Oak Dr #480

$65 / person ( *Kojimmunity member price )
$70 / person ( General price )

*If you subscribed to our news letter, you are a Kojimmunity member!

1. Get to know KOJI
- What is Koji
- Benefits of Koji
2. Make
- How to make Shio-Koji
- How to use Shio-koji
3. Taste
- Introducing recipes
- Eat together!


How to sign up :
Please fiill out the form below
Payment: e-transfer to

Cancellation Policy :
Due to class prep time and food purchases, the cancellation policy will follow as below. Thank you for your understanding!

50% cancellation fee (24 hours before )
30% cancellation fee( 3 days before)
20% cancellation fee( 7 days before)

*Cozy Koji reserves the right to cancel a class due to low attendance or any emergencies. If we need to cancel, we will notify you by telephone and email to ensure we reach you and offer you a credit towards another class or a full refund*

* Please allow 3-5 business days for processing for a full refund.

Confirmation :

Once we have received the payment you will get a confirmation email from us!